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Unfolding Beauty - Music and Nature Photos - by Bruno Gröning Friends.mp

Publié par Rose du Sud

#BrunoGröningfriends #healing #music

Enjoy the miracle of blossoming through uniquely beautiful and meditative film sequences, accompanied by powerful orchestral music. Nothing can demonstrate the miracle of life and creation in a more obvious and symbolic way than opening and unfolding blooms. It takes time, but it reveals the glory and splendour of nature in a fantastic way.

A unique source of power of unfolding beauty.


A Nature Meditation by Otto von Wachter Music: Because we love peace by Christoph Pesch


With music we can feel the healing power more intensely. The pieces of music were composed and recorded by Bruno Gröning friends. The singers, musicians, and composers in the Circle of Friends do all this on a voluntary basis, without any form of payment. Their motivation is their love of music and the wonderful effects which unfold for those who listen to it. Through listening to this music, it is possible, when doing einstellen to receive the healing force, to perceive and experience it more intensely. It is this healing force which effects the healings.

You can subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/BrunoGroening...

Documentary Film about Bruno Groening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNlXu...

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Profitez du miracle de l'épanouissement à travers des séquences de films d'une beauté unique et méditative, accompagnées d'une puissante musique orchestrale. Rien ne peut démontrer le miracle de la vie et de la création d'une manière plus évidente et symbolique que l'ouverture et le déploiement des fleurs.

Cela prend du temps, mais cela révèle la gloire et la splendeur de la nature d'une manière fantastique. Une source unique de puissance pour déployer la beauté.


A Nature Meditation par Otto von Wachter Musique : Parce que nous aimons la paix par Christoph Pesch

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